About Julie Sulpice | PSYCH-K® Facilitator
I am Julie Sulpice,
an International Kinesiologist, Coach and PSYCH-K® Facilitator.
Funny fact about me….
I’m French and dislike cheese.
I often speak Spanish to my Japanese friends and English to my Argentinian ones.
People often described me as strong and sensitive. And my best friends affectionately call me “Aunty Julie”.

I obtained a Master Degree in Law, travelled the world, discovered new cultures, learnt different languages, and resided in Australia for 7 years. I am totally fluent in English, Spanish and French.
In my life, I have faced many challenges (relationship breakdowns, family dramas, addiction, abuse, illnesses, traumas, moving houses, expatriation and major life changes...)
I worked with numerous therapists, counsellors and healers and realised that I had to stop judging myself so harshly, get some help and start to believe that my best is good enough. I am now able to accept and let go of what no longer serves me.
Through this healing journey, I discovered my gifts and talents for healing, coaching and teaching. I studied various techniques, alternative medicines and healing modalities such as Life-Coaching, Energetic Healing, Kinesiology,
PSYCH-K®, Compassion Therapy and Mastermind group practices.
I applied these powerful tools in my own life and over the past 7 years helped hundreds of clients guiding and supporting them to find their way back to health, wealth and peace of mind.
I also studied sustainable leadership and management and developed a therapeutic business approach.
For 3 years, I worked as Kinesiologist in Byron Bay, Australia with The Haven Healing foundation as well as with the internationally renowned Gaia Retreat Centre - owned by Olivia Newton-John - a winner of the very prestigious WorldLuxury Spa Awards in 2019.
Trainings and Qualifications
2021 : Advanced PSYCH-K® Workshop with Paula De Werff, Athens, Greece.
2019: Basic and Master PSYCH-K® Workshop with Rosi Pletzer, Australia.
2018: Diploma Sustainable Leadership and Management, Envirotech, Australia.
2015: Certificate IV in Applied Kinesiology, ICPKP, Australia.
2011: Master Degree in Law, Aix en Provence, France.
Core values
Being of service.
My purpose is to serve people; to help them heal old or recent wounds and support them in reaching their full potential.
I trust that contributing and supporting our community, social bonding and connection is the key to a healthy future generation and world.
I believe in Quantum physics, energies, frequencies and vibrations.
Emotions are simply E-motion, Energy in motion. Negative emotions simply need to be observed to dissolve and transform. I think there is a solution to any issue. The challenge resides in finding the appropriate answer.
I love helping my client going through their own personal challenges, getting rids of barriers to success, achieving their goals and dreams using a wide range of techniques that saves time, money and efforts.
Mastering our conscious and subconscious minds and being aligned with our super-conscious mind (our higher self) upgrades our inner "computer" and gives us the freedom we naturally and truly desire.
I dream of a world where Science and Spirituality love, respect and support each other.
Let’s connect and create a bright and vibrant future!
Julie Sulpice