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How to transform limiting subconscious beliefs and fix a dysfunctional childhood and society

Writer's picture: Julie at WiseMasterMindJulie at WiseMasterMind

Updated: Apr 15, 2021

"After birth, the environment into which the child is born often perpetuates this preconditioning. If the biological parents are both present in the child’s life, they typically reinforce the messages the developing foetus received during gestation. If the environment was stressful before birth it may very well be stressful after birth. Consequently, the child’s preconditioned response is perpetuated. Excessive amounts of adrenaline (a chemical associated with the stress response) released into the bloodstream over time can be harmful to the child’s health because it overtaxes the adrenal glands and kidneys and reduces the overall effectiveness of the immune system. It can also lead to other stress-related disorders, including emotional disorders.

Because the body and mind are intimately related through chemistry, it is not difficult to see how chemical imbalances in the body can lead to emotional and behavioural problems, and conversely, how emotional, and behavioural problems can lead to physical difficulties.

The important lesson here is that our mind/body system comes with foundational genetic software that is programmed by environmental stimuli before birth, and that programming continues by way of parental and societal attitudes, values, and beliefs after we are born. In fact, research shows that we are most programmable from conception to about age six. During that time, we have little discernment. That is to say, as young children, we possess limited capability to put into proper perspective harsh, critical, or mean-spirited comments directed toward us by parents, siblings, schoolmates, or adult authority figures. In effect, we take everything personally. It is this early lack of discernment that creates the mental software that makes up the foundation of our adult personalities. Contemporary studies in neurophysiology show that our reactions to various stimuli are decided before we become consciously aware of them (Richard Restak, M.D. The Brain, New York Bantam Books, 1984, p.84-85).In fact, according to Emmanuel Donchin, director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois, “As much as 99 per cent of cognitive activity may be nonconscious”. The fact is, as adults, we spend most of our time subconsciously responding to life rather than creating it.

So the next question is: Can detrimental or outdated parental and societal software be changed?

The answer is yes! Using PSYCH-K® belief change processes. It is never too late to have a functional childhood!"

Source: The missing piece (peace) in your life! Robert M. Williams.



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