PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop
23d to 25th of May or
26th to 28th of September 2025
Aix en Provence - France
You will learn…
The basic science behind the PSYCH-K® process.
The key characteristics of the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds.
The muscle testing procedure to communicate with the subconscious mind.
Powerful sensory-based tools to clarify your beliefs and goals and to accelerate change.
Processes to identify and change negative or self-sabotaging beliefs into positive, supportive beliefs at the subconscious level of mind.
Ways to create your own personalised belief statements to meet your life challenges and goals.
An expanded idea of what you can change, heal, and create in your life through your own innate wisdom.
75 Belief statements in the areas of personal power, self-esteem, relationships, prosperity, spirituality, health, and grief from loss.
Benefits of the workshop…
Align your beliefs with the principles of nature. Tap into the Wisdom of Nature to create sustainable joy and happiness in your life.
Spirituality. Release subconscious resistance to experiencing your connection with Divinity.
Relationship. Create beliefs that support you in having healthy, loving relationships.
Health / Body. Reduce “emotional stress” and program your body / mind for optimal health and vitality.
Grief / Loss. Resolve painful memories and find greater peace and happiness.
Self-esteem. Discover beliefs that can help you to deeply appreciate and accept yourself.
Prosperity. Replace old attitudes about money and change self-limiting beliefs about financial prosperity.
Personal power. Increase your self-confidence and willingness to take positive and decisive action in your life.
PSYCH-K®Advanced Workshop
2nd to 5th October 2025
Aix en Provence - France
You will learn…
The PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration Workshop is for you if you enjoyed the Basic Workshop and want to learn more about how to deepen your skills and expand your toolkit. This course is recommended for those who plan to work more extensively with them selves and/or others, either personally or professionally.
This process addresses 13 “Core Beliefs” that often keep us from tapping our full potential in life. It is a general belief change process that prepares the mind/body system for accelerated change.
You will learn how to use 12 “energy points” on the body that are derived from ancient acupressure. Each point represents key beliefs that give you valuable information about how you are limiting yourself in a given situation. These points make beliefs easy to access and easy to change, usually in a matter of seconds!
The “trauma of birth” and the “fear of death” are two powerful aspects of human experience. This balance utilizes breath as a means of re-programming the negative impact of these influences in our lives. By directing the breath back and forth between two power points in the body, you will learn to transform stress associated with the birth and ‘death’ experiences.
A possibility for “change at a distance.” Surrogation works with a substitute person for muscle testing and balancing in the absence of the person for whom the change work is being done. Surrogation can be used to help friends, relatives, and even your pets!
This balance will help you transform personal issues with others and better understand the lessons to be learned in the relationship. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents, children, spouses, friends, and lovers.
You will learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others in a matter of minutes, making it easier to identify issues that may otherwise be difficult to acknowledge and change.
A safe and effective process that allows you to focus energy to a Belief Point in order to change subconscious beliefs quickly and easily.
An extraordinary experience in the utilization of group energy focusing. It’s your opportunity to feel the awesome effects of concentrated, unconditional love!
Benefits of the workshop…
Many of the Balances in the PSYCH-K® Advanced Integration create broad and sweeping change.
Pre-requisite: Basic PSYCH-K® Workshop
Master Facilitation PSYCH-K® Workshop
- 23d to 26th of October 2025 -
Aix en Provence - France
You will learn…
The Master Facilitation Workshops are outstanding workshops that teach you how to apply what you have already learned in the Basic Workshop. It’s one thing to know what to do. It’s another thing to know how to do it with style and finesse and get your Partner where they need to go.
Sharpen your skills and deepen your knowledge and confidence using the PSYCH-K® processes taught in the Basic Workshop. Expand and enhance your abilities helping others deal with life’s challenges. Learn how to transform the perception of stressful situations, identify messages in situations or conditions, and deepen your ability to identify and transform secondary gains.
Benefits of the workshop…
During this jam packed 3 day intensive you will experience lots of personal growth as you practice the processes!
Feedback from Facilitators has been so positive. You will enhance and deepen your skills over the 3 days and be able to implement your facilitation skills with extensive practice sessions. You will learn how to be comfortable and professional Facilitating sessions online or over the phone.
Pre-requisite: Basic PSYCH-K® Workshop